
Nine Commonly Misused Words

Just like other bad habits, it’s easy to fall into sloppy or ill-informed patterns where words are concerned. The more we see an expression — correct or incorrect — the more it becomes burned into our brain. Here are nine words that are commonly misused.

Momentarily • It doesn’t mean in a moment, it means for a moment. So, if you say “We will eat momentarily,” you’re telling your guests that they will have precious little time to gulp down their meal.

It’s/its • Use the apostrophe only where you would insert the word is. As simple as that.

I/me/myself • Use I when it’s the subject or is in the subject of the sentence: I went to the store, or John and I went to the store. Use me when it’s the object, or in the predicate: “He hit me. She brought dinner for John and me.” And be very careful with myself. It can never be the subject of a sentence. So don’t say, “John and myself are going to the store,” say “John and I are going to the store.” Don’t say, “If you have questions, call John or myself,” say “Call John or me.” When in doubt, try saying the sentence as if only you were being talked about.

Over • Over is a preposition; more than describes quantities. Don’t say, “Over one million people,” say “More than one million people.”

Misnomer • Ironically, the way this word is used is often a misnomer. It literally means named wrongly. It’s not the same thing as a misconception, which is a mistaken idea. The first part, mis means mistakenly, and nomer means to name.

Use/usage • Misuse of the word usage is becoming rampant. “His computer usage is excessive” should be “His computer use is excessive. Usage is defined as a customary way of doing something; a custom or practice, whereas use means to employ for some purpose; put into service; make use of.

Would of/could of/should of • Though most people pronounce it more like “of,” the correct phrases are would have, could have, should have.

Tenet/tenant • A tenet is a belief or principle; a tenant is someone who rents a dwelling.

Laxadaisical • It isn’t a word. The word is lackadaisical and it basically means lazy.

Next week: style errors

What wrongly-used words drive you crazy? Share them in the comments.

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  1. Jen

    “Is comprised of.” I’ve seen it a lot lately, usually from folks who should know better.

    • bgs

      Yes! Good one, Jen. Thanks!

  2. Dave Barger

    Well shoot! I use “… is comprised of …” What’s the correct answer?

    • beth g sanders

      The meaning is “to make up” or to “be composed of.” You might say, for example, that the United States comprises 50 states.

  3. Deborah Davies Sampson

    I know it’s a bit late to reply to your post, but the misuse of “myriad” makes me want to scream! I believe a synonym for “myriad” is “numerous,” as in “There were myriad ideas offered at the meeting” not “There were a myriad of ideas offered at the meeting.” SCREAM!

    • beth g sanders

      Deborah, it’s never too late to comment and you are absolutely right. That one is irritating to me as well.

      Thanks for commenting!

  4. Renee

    And of course there’s the infamous “your” vs “you’re.” I see it everywhere and it drives me bonkers.

    • beth g sanders

      Ugh. I agree. That’s awful.

      I got a “their, they’re, there” kitchen towel for Christmas! Love it.

      Thanks for commenting!

  5. Martin Andrews

    ‘It cannot be underestimated’ – Boris Johnson said it yesterday!

  6. Martin Andrews

    … and ‘begging the question’ is not a synonym for ‘raising the question’.


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