
Content Marketing

content marketing

Content Marketing is

… a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.
Content Marketing Institute

content marketing services

Content marketing isn’t advertising; it’s customer service. You serve your customer by providing content that makes their lives easier. When you solve their problems, you build loyalty, authority, and trust.

I’d be willing to bet you know the problems that keep your customers and prospects awake at night. This knowledge helps you craft content that addresses these problems and positions you as the answer to your customers’ concerns.

Content that is optimized for readers first and search engines second will help you get noticed online and attract new leads. Focus on articles that are relevant to your audience and use targeted keywords and both Google and your readers will love you.

Here’s how I can help:

  • Keyword research to find the most relevant search words and phrases.
  • Writing and editing content.
  • A content strategy that considers your needs and resources.

Build Authority, Trust, and Loyalty with Content Marketing.